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The Gems

Soul gem

Status: Very Rare.


Used to transport souls when out of the soul stream. Can be used in medicine.


Soul gems are also used for traditional wedding jewellery.

Dahlia gem

Status: Common.


Used for warding homes, and a common feature in the kitchen, this gem protects the user from harm.


Dahlia gems are often given to children on their first day of school.


Gold gem

Status: Common.


Used as currency, these gems can be found in many different sizes. They are known to bring good fortune.


Gold gems are oftern used ornamentally, enhancing the owners "luck".

Grass gem

Status: Very Common.


Used in medicines across the Provinces, the grass gem is amongst the most versatile ingredient in runing.


They are well-loved for their ease of creation.

Emerald gem

Status: Rare


Used for enchanting, emerald gems are amongst the most difficult gems to create, making them quite rare. 


It is said the clearer the emrald, the stronger in enchants.

Stone gem

Status: Very Common.


 Used in fortification and construction, when runed this gem allows structures to withstand wear and damage. 


They are often used in plate armour to keep the wearer protected from blows.


Chrysanthemum gem

Status: Rare


Used to create a sense of joy in the wearer, this gem is used mostly in fine jewellery and helps enhance the users natural affinity for their core.


They are traditionally given to new mothers in celebration.

Mandevilla gem

Status: Very Rare


Used as a cleansing gem, this renowned for it's calming properties and medicinal value. It is known for it's ability to ease pain.


They are imperative stock for healthcare professionals.

Ruby gem

Status: Common.​


Used primarily in channelling runes for a users inner core, the ruby gem is known for it's ability to seek the users natural affinity and amplify it.


They are used to aid new comers and children find and practice their core.

Amethyst gem

Status: Common


Used to create medicines, these calming gems create the common runes used in household first aid kits and help treat long term ailments.


They are traditionally used to decorate children's rooms to help them sleep.

Deep Root gem

Status: Rare​


Used to create powerful restoration runes, these gems are the most difficult to channel. These gems are outlawed without a certificate of necrocore. 


They are a traditional omen of bad luck due to their link with the dead.

Obsidian gem

Status: Very Common


Used to dampen the users core in order to aid practice of their arts. These gems can be used to ward against magic, weakening damage taken from cores.


They are traditionally found decorating public spaces and schools.

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